


The Interview Mix up: What to do when things go sideways on you?


As recruiters, it is our number one goal to help you be as prepared as possible and shine for your interview. You have done your research. You planned out thoughtful questions.  You mapped out how long it takes to get to their office. You are ready to BRING IT.

BUT THEN IT HAPPENS….the things you cannot always plan for…. schedules change, your current boss asks you to an unexpected meeting, there is an accident on the road, your bus breaks down, a co-worker needs you to cover their desk… eeek. PANIC.

Interviewing is not a perfect science every time unfortunately. But let’s flip this. What a perfect opportunity to demonstrate you can handle difficult situations with grace. How you react to these curve balls says a lot about your character and hiring managers do notice.

Here is your recovery plan STAT:

1.     BREATHE. Take a moment, compose yourself!

2.     It is all in your delivery, and your approach. Be calm, positive and solution oriented with timely options for next steps.

3.     Be gracious + Empathetic. Apologize if it is something you could have prevented. Thank them for understanding + being accommodating.

4.     Be honest. Explain what happened in a succinct confident answer. (Think one to two sentences max- and be careful not to overshare, get too long winded, or too casual)

5.     Don’t let it happen again! Once is a fluke, but if it happens again they will question your commitment and how responsible + reliable you are!

Hiring Managers know you are human. Things happen. Even if you start off in a less than optimal situation, every interaction is a chance to demonstrate you emotional IQ and what sets you apart from the masses when faced with a challenge.  Bounce Back. BURKE UP!  You got this. We are routing for you!