Hello 2018! New Year- new me? new goals? new HOW?!
Hit the gym, eat healthy, drink water, new job- the year always starts out with shinny good intentions and promise… but how can you make your new year’s resolution stick past February?
Dream big- but map it out small and specific- make it tangible and something achievable so you are proud and not discouraged. You don’t want to give up on the new you before February. For example, if your goal is to get in shape - you can’t start off running marathons. What is something you can do three times a week to get you moving- maybe it is a 20 min walk or run at first, three times a week. That doesn’t seem so scary? Maybe it’s taking the stairs to your floor at work each morning. You can handle that right? If you are after a new job- find a recruiter you connect with and strategize together. Give yourself deadlines- i.e. I will get my new resume together by the end of this week. The small steps can add up to big results.
What is one small thing you can do each day or each week to reach your goal? (Understanding the why you want to achieve this goal is just as important - it will help fuel that drive.)
Write your goals down. Be specific. Break it down. Track your progress on the calendar- send yourself calendar invites- or buddy up so you can’t back out. Adjust as you see fit at the end of each month. Reward yourself once you achieve those goals and keep going. Maybe 2018 will be your most productive and successful year yet! Make yourself proud.