




The Assignment… You have had a good run of interviews… and then your recruiter explains the next step is an assignment…now what?

This is pretty common place. Many clients of ours are now asking candidates to do a take home assignment- this is CRITICAL- we cannot stress this enough- in your interview you claim you are resourceful, detail-oriented, you go above and beyond- this is the chance to put those sound bites into practice and prove your skills.

Yes, this is an investment in time- we get it, you are busy, you are juggling a million other things, but remember this assignment is just as important if not more so than an in-person interview- so make sure it gets a proportional amount of your time and attention.

In addition, this is your opportunity to shine, to stand out- beat out the competition!

1)    Try to think steps ahead- if it is booking travel- think will they need directions, a car, reservations (food/ hotel) food allergies- get creative

2)    Think of the company- put their logo or brand on it

3)    Do the assignment in Word, PDF or Google Docs.- not in the body of an email- make it official/ and make sure it looks good- clean and pretty- easy to read + formatted appropriately

4)    What else can you add or include- be creative and original (color coded? the sky is the limit)

5)    PROOF IT- make sure it is error free (check spelling, grammar, time zones etc.)

More resources:


I hear all the time candidates did not do as well as they could of in an interview because they were nervous- or felt they didn’t have time to come up with a good answer- This assignment gives you the time to do your best work – so show it! And show off!  You got this.